Name | Ascension Island |
IAGA code | ASC |
Location | Ascension Island, Atlantic Ocean |
Latitude | 7.949° S |
Longitude | 345.624° E |
Elevation | 177m |
Geomagnetic Latitude | 3.058° S |
Geomagnetic Longitude | 57.517° E |
Orientation | HDZF |
In Operation since: | 1992 |
INTERMAGNET member since: | 2003 |
Geomagnetic coordinates are approximations calculated using the 13th generation IGRF at epoch 2024.5.
The Ascension Island magnetic observatory is situated 40m outside the perimeter fence of the Cable and Wireless Earth Station, Donkey Plain, on the south-west side of the site.
The observatory was installed by the British Geological Survey with financial support from a consortium of oil companies and became operational in September 1992.
We also support the operation of a British Antarctic Survey VLF Radio Wave Detector as part of a worldwide network of lightning detectors.
Ascension Island magnetic observatory is part of the INTERMAGNET network.